Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Long Weekend....... Sleeping Bike.....

Hi people.....

It was a long weekend for me last week......... long as so many things happened yet still my FLTCUI remain at the same spot without changing miles....... kesiannn.....

Friday, 2pm - 5pm, Cherokee : Puchong (9M4RES) - Cheras - Hulu Langat - Jelebu (V16....) - Kg Cheneh - Kg Esok - Kg Thor - Campsite...... pergh..... akhirnya......

Friday, 6pm - 11pm : Put up tent, mandi sungai, cabut lintah at Azu's leg, dinner, game, ngorok.....

Saturday, 7.30am - 12am, Cherokee : b'fast, ice breaking, clean up, mandi sungai - base camp - Kg Thor - Kg Esok - Kg Cheneh - Jelebu - Hulu Langat - Petronas HL (mandi) - Cheras Jaya, Pak Uda's house, Pak Long's hse, Tok Su hse - Puchong - clinic - D'palma..... akhirnya..... tapi kepala sakit macam nak pecah.......

Sunday - wake up feelin dizzy and mcm nak demam.... miss my riding again, nampak FLTCUI kena hujan .... alahai sedey nyer......

Monday, confirm demam, pegi clinic dapat MC, terus pegi Sunway Medical, minor operation to remove fat lump, ...... balik.... FLTCUI kena hujan lagikkkkk.......

Tuesday, still on medical leave....... resting..... petang tengok FLTCUI..... hujan lagik......

There it goes, + fever + unexpected minor operation + hujan the whole 4 days...... my FLTCUI, tersandar tepi tiang withou goin anywhere for more than 2 weeks...... sedey......

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